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Rescue News No 91, for Autumn 2003
- Ripping up History: English Heritage campaign to raise awareness of the damage ploughing does to archaeological sites
- Picking up the Pieces in Iraq Eleanor Robinson
- Iraq’s heritage: co-ordinating our response: report on a joint meeting of ICOMOS UK, HEF, EH and other bodies
- Blue Shield: Disaster planning for the Cultural Heritage Sue Cole
- Stonehenge: Roads Public Enquiry announced Kate Fielden
- Newport Ship: one year on (and more shipping news)
- Gravel Extraction Threat to ‘Stonehenge of the north’ Mark Horton and Ian Dormer
- Big Dig in London Vanessa Bunton
- I found it while gardening: research the history of your house
- CIA Congress 2003 report Diana Friendship-Taylor and Mike Rumbold
- DCMS Consultation papers: (make your views known) Jude Plouviez
- Protecting our historic environment
- SMRs
- Invisible Diggers update
- Pooter’s Piece: digging up gold