In 2011, the IfA’s Diggers’ Form conducted extensive surveys into the current conditions facing diggers with regard to away work, travel and subsistence payments.
This was published in 2012 and is of interest to all in the sector. The Diggers’ Forum website notes:
The report is over 100 pages long and contains two key sets of recommendations, intended to bring much needed clarity to the advertisement of archaeological jobs, and to improve the terms and conditions for employees who travel or work away…
They have requested feedback on the report:
Please read through the report, discuss it with your colleagues and let us know what your comments and views are, particularly on the recommendations on advertising archaeological jobs, and on travel and away work.
The report is available below, and we would encourage all Rescue members to respond to it as soon as possible.
IfA Diggers’ Forum Away Survey
Additionally, we would like to make members aware of a joint Prospect/Diggers’ Forum Conference on 14th July in York on the topic of archaeological careers. Please see the flyer below for more information.