Rescue: Fighting Back against cuts to heritage

It’s been a busy few weeks here at Rescue HQ as the newest wave of cuts hits archaeology services across the country. We regularly write letters to universities, local authorities and local and national heritage organisations outlining the importance of heritage as a non-renewable resource; swinging cuts that cause irreversible damage cannot be undone, and are a much higher price to pay than any small savings from already stretched services.

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Archaeology on the A1 Dishforth to Leeming widening scheme, North Yorkshire: NY Historic Environment Team were key to such an important project, which recorded an extensive Roman industrial complex. Image: Highways Agency on Flickr.

Below are two of our recent letters.

The first is is response to proposed cuts to North Yorkshire Archaeology Service which is facing severe cuts to their Historic Environment Team, responsible for providing planning advice in respect of archaeology and maintaining and providing access to the county Historic Environment Record. You can read our response here.

The second is to Kingston University to express Rescue’s grave reservations about the plan to close the School of Surveying and Planning, a key provider of historic building conservation courses. You can read our response here.

Fighting Back
Rescue can help support your local campaigning against cuts threatening the very fabric of heritage protection in Britain today. Our excellent guide to Fighting Back makes a great starting point but please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can provide guidance, or connect with us on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news


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