Interested in where a degree in archaeology might take you? It has certainly taken the committee of Rescue to lots of different places!
Come and meet some of us and find out more, perhaps even share a cuppa!
Rescue will be manning a stall at the University Archaeology Day, Thursday 22nd June 2017 to be held at University College London.
Book your tickets now and come and find us to find out more about the work we do.
@Rescue_News #SavethePast
Website: | Tickets: | |
Rescue says:
Rescue remains committed to encouraging as wide a range of young people to take up archaeological studies, particularly since entry routes are being cut back. We support universities in carrying out a greater range of outreach work, working with young people at all age levels and aiming to widen participation in the study of Archaeology. The University sector also needs to have a clear understanding of career pathways and career opportunities for young people interested in studying Archaeology at degree level.
There will always be large scale infrastructure projects which will need an archaeological presence at all stages of the work – there will be a great need for an increased number of well-trained archaeologists in the future and all sectors of education need to work closely together to ensure that these archaeologists are coming through the education system with clear visions of where their work can take them.