Latest news: Highways England’s consultation on its preferred route is still open – until 23 April 2018. Highways England plans to submit an application for a Design Consent Order for the project in late September 2018.
Rescue has responded to Highway’s England’s statutory consultation on proposed upgrades to the A303 at Stonehenge. Together with the Stonehenge Alliance, we encourage all our members to respond strongly to the consultation and oppose a short tunnel option. This can be done via the Stonehenge Alliance website either by using Highways England’s own Questionnaire response form or by using a shorter, more convenient pro forma response which you can edit in your own words.
Our full response is below and members are strongly encouraged to use relevant sections of our letter to make their own representations. You can email your response direct to
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I fully agree with your statements, and have sent my own missive of protestation to HE.
Please keep up the good work, and include me in any further developments.
Thank you Mr P Woolf