Rescue responds to NPPF

Today’s publication of the National Planning Policy Framework brings to an end 22 years of separate archaeological guidance within the planning system. First through PPG16, and latterly through PPS5, archaeology has been one of the various material considerations required of a developer when they are submitting an application. Part of the system maybe, but strangely peripheral in many ways.

The NPPF changes this: the Government’s framework brings together what they consider to be the principle keystones of sustainable planning and development into a single integrated format. It should be gratifying for all who work within the heritage profession to note that, finally, the historic environment has taken its place at the top table alongside the natural environment, transportation, climate change and all the other central pillars that support sensible planning policy.

Read Rescue’s full response below. We will update this page in due course to link to other responses from heritage organisations.

Rescue respond to National Planning Policy Framework

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