PPS 15: Planning for the Historic Environment – The Consultation Period has begun

PPS 15 – Planning for the Historic Environment invites views on a new Planning Policy Statement (PPS) that will replace Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the Historic Environment (PPG15) and Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning (PPG16).

It reflects a more modern, integrated approach which defines the historic environment in terms of heritage assets to be conserved in accordance with a set of principles and in proportion to their significance. It also takes account of the commitment in Planning for a Sustainable Future: White Paper, published on 21 May 2007, to streamline existing PPSs and PPGs and separate policy from guidance. It is supported by guidance by English Heritage.

–> Please go to http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/consultationhistoricpps to download the PDF.

–> Please go to http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.20037 to download the PDF of the English Heritage guidance paper.

PPS 15 – Planning for the Historic Environment invites views on a new Planning Policy Statement (PPS) that will replace Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the Historic Environment (PPG15) and Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning (PPG16).

It reflects a more modern, integrated approach which defines the historic environment in terms of heritage assets to be conserved in accordance with a set of principles and in proportion to their significance. It also takes account of the commitment in Planning for a Sustainable Future: White Paper, published on 21 May 2007, to streamline existing PPSs and PPGs and separate policy from guidance. It is supported by guidance by English Heritage.

Please go to http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/consultationhistoricpps to download the PDF.

Please go to http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.20037 to download the PDF of the English Heritage guidance paper.

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